Senin, 14 Oktober 2013


History of Ancient Man Age to Age
History of Ancient Age to the Age of Humans . History has always been a mystery to humans . Because history can only be known from a few authentic relics and clear evidence . Not only known by word of mouth alone . and humans could be lying . Or stories to be off the mark . For that we need some history . See how the real life in the past . Similar to early human history in Indonesia.Many archaeologists or historians in Indonesia to examine how the life and habits of early humans in ancient times . Moreover, with the discovery of the historical heritage that shaped rock , paper , sculpture , or even ancient fossils . And all of which can be reviewed again by the archaeologists us to produce a life in ancient times

.human - ancient - historyOne of the early human history that we've heard and we learned some history lessons in school are the Palaeolithic era . At this age they already live in groups . Palaeolithic era is often referred to as the old stone age . Era in which the early humans lived in groups and look for food straight from nature . they also have the properties of moving residence or also called nomads .At this time the human mind that is still very primitive . They use a very simple tool to make a variety of things that they need in his day . In the Palaeolithic era of early humans who lived in those days called a half- ape . Because his posture is still like an ape . Or even almost like an ape . And of course at the time of early humans is not yet dressed .After the old stone age , came the Middle Ages , also known as middle stone age . Or term historically referred to mezolitikum age . In early human history , in this day and age they are starting to experience the development of the old stone age . That is by living in a cave , a niche mountain , and on the waterfront . Even in the times of ancient human beings this mezolitikum had found some art tools .It is estimated that people living today are descendants or ancestors of areas such as Papua , aboriginal , host and Sakai . The archaeologists also found a hand-held axes and hunting tools made ​​of animal bone in his day . Also proved that early humans have evolved over time . Until in the end they make the discoveries to sustain their lives in the great outdoors and the vast nature .

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