Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013


pos on by yudhaputra

 Candi Prambanan or Roro Jonggrang is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, which was built in the 9th century AD . This temple is dedicated to Trimurti , the three main Hindu gods are Brahma the creator god , Vishnu as the preserver god , and Shiva the god of destruction . Based on the inscription Siwagrha original name of this temple is Siwagrha ( Sanskrit means ' house of Shiva ' ) , and indeed in garbagriha ( main room ) this temple statue of Shiva Mahadeva dwells as high as three meters which showed that Lord Shiva in this temple are preferred .

The temple is situated in the village of Prambanan , Java island , about 20 kilometers east of Yogyakarta , 40 kilometers west of Surakarta and 120 kilometers south of Semarang , just on the border between Central Java and the Special Region Yogyakarta.Candi Rara Jonggrang located in Prambanan village whose territory is divided between Sleman and Klaten districts .
This temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site , the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia , and one of the most beautiful temples in Southeast Asia . Architecture of this building height and slender shaped in accordance with Hindu architecture in general, with the temple of Shiva as the main temple has a height reaching 47 meters in the center of the complex cluster of towering temples smaller . As one of the grandest temples in Southeast Asia , Prambanan temple is the main attraction of tourists from all over the world .
According Siwagrha inscriptions , this temple was built around the year 850 AD by Rakai Pikatan , and continue to be developed and expanded by Balitung Maha Sambu , during the Mataram kingdom Medang .

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple and the grandest ever built in ancient Javanese kingdom of Hindu temple construction was started by Rakai Pikatan as a rival Buddhist temple Borobudur and Sewu temples are also located not far from Prambanan . Some historians have long suspected that the construction of the great Hindu temple to mark the return to power of Java Sanjaya family , it is related to the theory of twin dynasty different competing beliefs ; namely Sanjaya dynasty Hindu and Buddhist Sailendra dynasty . Surely , with the construction of this temple marks that Hinduism Saiwa back the support of the royal family , having previously Sailendra dynasty tend to be more supportive Mahayana Buddhism . It is marked that the kingdom Medang switch focus their religious support , from Mahayana Buddhism to the cult of Shiva .
The building was first built around 850 AD by Rakai Pikatan and sustainably enhanced and expanded by King Lokapala and Balitung king Maha Sambu . Based Siwagrha inscription dates to the year 856 AD , this shrine was built to honor the god Shiva , and the building's original name in Sanskrit is Siwagrha ( Sanskrit : Shiva - grha which means : 'House of Shiva ' ) or Siwalaya ( Sanskrit : Shiva - laya is means : ' The realm of Shiva ' or ' Natural Shiva ' ) .

In this inscription mentioned that during the construction of the temple Siwagrha ongoing , carried out public works also change the water system to move the river near the temple . The river in question is the Opaque river that flows from north to south along the western side of the temple complex of Prambanan . Historians suspect that the original flow of the river curved turn eastward , and is considered too close to the temple so that the river can be dangerous erosion of the temple construction . Waterworks project is done by creating a new river that cuts sodetan curved river with the north - south axis along the west wall outside the temple complex . Used original stream then backfilled to provide land for the construction of wider row ancillary temple ( temple guardian or accompanying temple ) .
Some archaeologists believe that the Shiva statue in garbhagriha ( main room ) in the temple of Shiva as the main temple is a statue of the king Balitung embodiment , as his posthumous statue pedharmaan . Prambanan name , derived from the name of the village where the temple stands , allegedly a Javanese dialect name change from " The Brahman " , which may refer to the heyday of the temple which formerly filled by the brahmins .

This building complex regularly continue to be refined by the kings of Mataram Medang next , like a king Daksha and Tulodong , and expanded by constructing additional hundreds of temples around the main temple . Because of the grandeur of this temple , Prambanan temple serves as the great kingdom of Mataram , where a main important royal ceremonies . At the height of its glory , historians suspect that hundreds of Brahmin priest and his students gathered outside the court and inhabit this temple to study the Vedas and perform various Hindu rituals and ceremonies . While the center of the kingdom of Mataram kingdom or palace is thought to lie somewhere near Prambanan in Plain Kewu .
Around the year 930 's, the capital of the kingdom moved to East Java by MPU Sindok , who founded the dynasty Isyana . Move the cause of this power center is not known for certain . But very likely caused by the eruption of Mount Merapi terrific towering about 20 kilometers north of Prambanan temple . Other possible causes are wars and power struggles . After moving the capital city , Prambanan temple began neglected and not maintained , so that the temple slowly begin to deteriorate and crumble .
This temple supposedly completely collapsed due to the great earthquake in the 16th century . Although no longer the center of Hindu religion and worship , the temple was still recognizable and known to exist by the people who inhabit the villages around Java . The temples and statues of Durga in the main building of the temple was inspired Javanese folklore legend Jonggrang Rara . After the split of the Sultanate of Mataram in 1755 , the ruins of the temple and the nearby river Opaque be a sign of a barrier between the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo ) .

Prambanan , most beautiful Hindu temple in the World

Prambanan temple is extraordinarily beautiful building constructed in the 10th century during the reign of two kings , and Rakai Rakai Pikatan Balitung . 47 meters tall ( 5 meters higher than Borobudur temple ), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire of , to show Hindu triumph in the land of Java . The temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center , among an area that now functions as beautiful park .

There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple . Once, a man named Bandung Jonggrang love . Because of his love , Jonggrang ask Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night . The request was nearly fulfilled Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that created an atmosphere like the morning. Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed Jonggrang into the statue in 1000 because he felt cheated .

Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard , namely Vishnu , Brahma , and Shiva . The third temple is a symbol of Trimurti in Hindu belief . The third temple faces east . Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west , namely Nandini for Shiva , Swan to Brahma , and Garuda for Vishnu . In addition , there are 2 temples wedge , 4 color temples and 4 corner temples . In the second there are 224 temples .
Entering the Shiva temple located in the middle and the highest building , you will find a room 4 . One main room contains a statue of Shiva , while the other 3 rooms each containing a statue of Durga ( Shiva's wife ) , Agastya ( Shiva's teacher ) , and Ganesha ( Shiva's son ) . Durga is touted as Jonggrang statue in the legend above .
In the Vishnu temple is located in the north of Shiva temple , you will only see one room containing a statue of Vishnu . Brahma temple is located south of Shiva temple, you will only find one room with a statue of Brahma .

Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple that is located near the Vishnu temple . This temple keeps a story of half-bird human being named Garuda . Garuda is a mystical bird in Hindu mythology , who was gold , white face , red wings , beak and wings like eagles . It is estimated that the figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu ( means 'rises ' or ' shining ' , usually associated with the god Re ) in ancient Egyptian mythology or Phoenix in Old Greek mythology . Garuda succeeded in saving his mother from the curse of Aruna ( Garuda is born handicapped brother ) by stealing Tirta Amrita ( holy water of the gods ) .

Ability to save it is admired by many people until now and used for various purposes . Indonesia used it to sign the country . That said , the creator of the emblem of Garuda Pancasila find inspiration in this temple . Other countries also use it to sign the country is Thailand , with the same reason but adaptation forms and different appearance . In Thailand , Garuda is known as Pha recruited or recruited .

Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana . According to experts , the relief is similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral traditions . Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as a tree of life , sustainability and environmental compatibility . In Prambanan , relief of Kalpataru tree is described middle flanking a lion . The existence of this tree makes experts consider that the people of the 9th century had wisdom to manage its environment .
Just as the figure of Garuda , Kalpataru is now also used for various purposes . In Indonesia , Kalpataru became a symbol of Forum for Environment ( Walhi ) . In fact , some scientists in Bali to develop the concept of Tri Hita Karana for environment conservation by seeing Kalpataru relief in this temple . The tree of life can also be found in the mountains that used to open the puppet arts . A proof that the relief panels in Prambanan has worldwide .

If careful , you can also see various birds relief , this time a real bird . Bird reliefs at Prambanan are so natural that biologists can identify their genus . One was relief of the Yellow -crested Cockatoo ( Cacatua sulphurea ) that invite questions . Why , the bird was actually found only in Masakambing Island , an island in the Java Sea . So , what kind it was once numerous in Yogyakarta ? Please find out the answer yourself . Because, until now no single person who can solve the mystery .

Well , there are many more that can be extracted at Prambanan . You certainly should not be bored . If it was finally exhausted , you can relax in the garden around the temple . Interested ? Come soon . Since September 18, 2006 , you are able to enter the zone 1 Prambanan not even get into the temple . The damage caused by the earthquake on 27 May 2006 is being repaired

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